Prayers for the sick

This section contains a listing of individuals who are sick and have requested that our parishioners remember them in their prayers. To be placed on this list, please call the rectory.  We also request that you be sure to get an individuals permission before placing them on this list and that you notify us whenever there is any change in their condition and they no longer need to be on this listing.  Thank you.



Tara and Maureen

Lynn W.

Bobby P. 

Stephanie W. 

Santino W. 

Janice A.

Jane D. 

Shea R.




Victoria Augustine

Tom B

Tom and Lucy Brennan

Al Bucciaglia

Mary Carpenter

Peter Casey

Brian Cerullo

Mac Coleman

Francis Foley

Rosemary Foley

Sheila Friel

Louise Fuller

Marvin Fuller (R.I.P.)

Jenni G

Martha G

Heather & Tom G.

Andrea Gilrein

Dan Hall

Peggy Houde

Pauline Huhn  (R.I.P.)

Valerie K

Chet L.

Michael Leonard

Joan Murphy

Dorothy O'Brien

Mary Leigh O'Leary

Sean O'Sullivan

Theresa P.

Francis Parretti

Julie Parretti

The Parretti Family (For those who are sick and those who recently passed away)

Scott Sampson  (R.I.P.)

Thomas & Eileen Sheahan

Amy Smalanskas

Marta Smalanskas

Susan Sullivan

Marie Swift

Meghan M

Louise Hale